UPDATE!! Travelstart Rubbished WakaNow On Twitter After Trying To Shade Them

Just like my Father will say – “Don’t start what you know you cannot finish” 

Wakanow must have regretted their action by now after Travelstart NG responded to their tweet while trying to shade them 


Twitter official account tweeted something asking people to tweet “Hi” to people they don’t know. Then Wakanow tweeted Hi to Travelstart NG (I guess they did so just to prove a point that they have more customers than Travelstart or something) but the response they got is everything.

Wakanow will definitely be biting their fingers right now 

Travelstart reminded them that they are the Queen of Online Travels and they don’t owe their Staff any Salary (Something Wakanow is widely known for). They also reminded them that their website doesn’t drag/load poorly like that of Wakanow 

This is an Epic clap back. Nice one to the guys at Travelstart 

This should serve as a Reminder to you all, don’t try to insult anyone when you know you are not perfect.

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