Winners Chapel Employs New 10,200 Pastors Across Nigeria
-Bishop David Oyedepo at CHoP
*Don’t stop pressing, it is proof that your faith is still on.
* We all have this 11th hour opportunity to press to the finishing line.
* The first most difficult prophetic Word of the year was the planting of 10,000 Churches.
* As the States began to open one by one, we began to invade them one by one.
* Some pastors were enlisted in Kano State and when the place was not opened, we moved them to Akwa-Ibom, Cross River: we were just on the harvest field
Heavenly Father, thank You for another brand-new working week.
May this week deliver its goodness and its great contents in everyone’s life.
We shall all be daily loaded with His blessings all through this week.
It shall be a week of bumper harvest for every engaging Winner in the name of Jesus.
Your prayers shall be answered with speed. Every prayer prayed to see souls saved and established in the faith shall be answered with speed. So, shall it be. Everyone we minister to this week will respond, everyone we invite will come; Jesus will save those who are not saved and strengthen those new converts in the faith in Jesus precious name.
Jesus in the parable of the householder said that the householder went out to hire labourers into his field early in the morning. He hired some in the 3rd hour, 6th hour, 9th hour, 11th hour into his vineyard; but he paid everyone the same amount at the end of the day (Matthew 20:1-9). He paid them all: those who came at the 11th hour, 3rd hour; he paid them the same amount.
If you check John chapter 15 verse 1, so the Householder we are talking about here is God the Father. He still offers the 11th hour opportunity up till now (Malachi 3:6). Some got saved in March, so they were not early in the morning when this order was issued. Others came in there in June, that’s the 6th hour, they were not there. The day was going to close at 12, He went at 9, hired some other more and then at the 11th hour hired others; paid everyone from the 3rd hour to the 11th hour the same amount.
Jesus can also be defined as the Householder (John 14:9, Hebrews 13:cool
With our eyes opened, we have seen Jesus planted over 10,000 Churches in this Commission this year in spite of the global lock down and the crisis here and there. By yesterday, we had crossed 10,200 plus and still counting because some people’s reports are yet to arrive at the Mission Head office.
It’s very clear therefore that the Prophetic Package for the year is from the Lord. That is the number one of it (2020’s Prophetic Package).
We shall also see the attendance of every assembly double on or before November 29th 2020.
How do I know?
Psalm 89:34, Isaiah 34:16
When you see one part of a prophetic Word fulfilled, it means the other one is settled.
The first most difficult prophetic Word of the year was the planting of 10,000 Churches.
We ought to have said, “well Lord, we never knew that there will be global lock down. But now that You also know there is no way we can go forward with this.”
Because we believe Him, we kept at it. As the States began to open one by one, we began to invade them one by one. You get enlisted in Kano State and the place is not opened, we move you down to Akwa-Ibom, Cross River: we were just on the harvest field, every soul is important to God, God does not know the geography of human beings.
We kept on because we believed Him. In the same way, we have to keep on, to prove that we believe Him to see the attendance of this Church become minimum double on or before November 29th 2020.
James 2:18
When you stop pressing, it’s a proof that your faith has stopped. As long as you keep pressing, it’s a proof that your faith is on. We pressed and pressed because we believed God to see September 18th 1999 come true. I went to one factory, I’ve never been there, it’s inside of the inside, on the way to ‘Owode’, to press on them, “they must deliver all the doors”: it’s a door making factory. You know there are 108 doors out there at the Faith Tabernacle, we took delivery by force. They fixed all the doors, they became ‘openable’ and lockable. We kept pressing because we believed Him.
The moment people stop pressing, they have stopped believing Him.
In the same vein, the number of cells of 2019 shall be minimum double on or before November 28th 2020 (it’s a Saturday). If you truly believe as a Cell Minister, you will push, you will press.
When you see people just lay by, their faith is asleep, their faith is gone, their faith is no longer there. It has become zero level faith (Mark 4:40). We all have a measure of faith, but their own faith, the measure has been eroded.
– Somebody’s faith is coming alive this morning in the name of Jesus Christ.
God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that he should repent (Numbers 23:19). Circumstances can’t stop God from having His way. If God said so and we truly believe Him and prove that we do by doing our part, then we have committed God’s integrity to confirm it.
If God said so and we truly believe that He said He will do what He said He will do and prove that we do by doing our part: we have committed God, we have committed His integrity to confirm His Word.
Faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
Do you really believe in Operation 10 for Christ 2020, if you do you’ll drive your faith to deliver your portion.
You can’t accomplish a divine task without the hand of God and you provoke the hand of God by your faith.
Don’t tell me, “I believe in Operation 10 for Christ 2020” and you have not seen one (soul).
“Yes, I believe, I truly believe, I very much believe”
He said, “even the devil believes and he shivers” (James 2:19). It’s not what we believe but how much we prove what we believe.
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