YOUR OPINION!! Channels TV or Arise TV – Who Would You Reward Best TV Station Of Year 2020?
Television stations are important part of our society and we need give them the accolades for the excellent work they do.
They give us video reporting on major and important events on what is happening around the country to keep us updated on the situation of things that we need to know.
They spent millions of Naira on equipment and then spend even more paying staff and making sure everything is in order so they can get their job done without glitches.
We at Naijaloaded here run an Online TV that is not even a standard TV and we know how much resources it’s gulping (Funds and manpower).
Now, let’s get down to the talk of the day
Channels TV
Like I use to tell people, there are just 2 TV stations in Nigeria as far as News Reporting is concerned – Channels TV and the rest.
How they report anything related to Elections in Nigeria is second to none. Their Election debates is how most Nigerians get to know how vibrant or dull most candidates fighting for different posts are
If not for Channels TV in Nigeria, a whole lot of ugly incidents would have been swept under the carpet.
Channels TV has won the “Best TV Station in Nigeria for 13 times straight”… Dope right? You can say that again!
Arise TV
Before now, I don’t think anyone can do the News reporting thing better than Channels TV but I think that narrative is about to change as Arise TV is even doing it more better effortlessly.
Arise TV is really aggressive with their reporting and what they did during the #EndSARS protest really shows they are up to the task of battling it hard with Channels TV in the News reporting ecosystem.
I won’t be shocked if they win the best TV station in Nigeria for the year 2020 ahead of Channels TV whom many Nigerians claimed was biased as regards the #EndSARS protest coverage.
If not for them, a whole lot of us might not even see the horrible things happening around during the protest but they came through for us
Now, over to you
With What You’ve Seen So Far, Can Arise TV Wins The Best TV Channel Ahead Of Channels TV In 2020?
Let’s hear from you all as regards this.
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