TRUE LEADER!! Listen To The Diss Song “Bobi Wine” Sang For “Musevini” After He Fraudulently Won The Election
The Uganda Election has come and gone with the incumbent president winning for the 6th time again.
Well, according to Reports from media, the Election was massively rigged with the much loved Bobi Wine winning 34% of the Election votes and Musevini winning 54% of the votes.
Well, Bobi Wine has something to tell Musevini and as a Musician, he passed his message with a diss song and it’s indeed a hit jam
Africa is not ready for growth. Election fraud is the order of the day and we as a youth hoping for a better future needs to be strong and fight with our last blood against oppressors that want to ruin our future.
These useless leaders have ruined our parents future, they are currently ruining our own today, let’s do all we can do to safe our children from experiencing what we experience.
Africans, let’s stand up
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