If You Were Donald Trump At This Point, What Will You Do? Peacefully Concede Defeat Like Goodluck Jonathan Or Not?
During 2015 presidential election, incumbent Goodluck Jonathan made a historic phone call the world will never forget in a hurry.
What Did GEJ Do?
Upon realizing that there’s no chance of winning the election, president Goodluck Jonathan conceded defeat, call Muhammadu Buhari to congradulate him for winning the presidential race.
In fact, Muhammadu Buhari momentarily slipped into a coma when Goodluck Jonathan rang to concede defeat at exactly 5:15pm on March 31, 2015 according to source.
Buhari admitted that Jonathan could have manipulated the election, given that he was the incumbent with all of the machinery of state at his beck and call.
“I will never forget the time. It was quarter past 5pm and he said he called to congratulate me and that he had conceded.
“He asked if I heard him, and I said yes. I thanked him for his statesmanship.
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“The truth is after being a deputy governor, a governor, vice-president and president for six years, and he took that decision is great. He could have caused some problems. He had stayed long enough to cause problems,” Buhari said.
On incumbent Donald Trump case, I think he should emulate GEJ. If I were him, I would concede defeat and move on. No need to fight or argue.
Just some hours ago, GEJ made a post on his Facebook page, it reads,
“Nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any citizen. It is better to gain honour at the cost of losing power, than to gain power at the cost of losing honour.
At any point in time, the power of love should matter more than the love of power. This is my philosophy. I have lived it. It has brought great peace to both my beloved nation and I.
And I recommend it to all leaders facing challenging situations, either in government, or at the polls, or even in their dealings with fellow political actors”. GEJ
I believe GEJ was indirectly sending the above message to Donald Trump.
Irrespective of any human or media opinion, President Trump would have easily won the 2020 US presidential elections if there was no Covid-19 pandemic and the manner it came and blew. It’s quite unfortunate for him.
He should CALM DOWN. There’s more to life. Leadership is not a Do or Die affair. – PRETTYLOADED
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